The Broadband Busker

As previously mentioned, I spent a few years of my early adult life busking. I have busked in London, Amsterdam, and Greenock. I thoroughly enjoyed it at the time but had assumed that chapter in my life was firmly closed. Frankly, I’d still rather busk than work, but I reckon I’m too old to be hustling around the London Underground trying to make a living out of busking.

But, due to the wonders of modern technology, I can now pap videos of me playing guitar on-line. This is of course pretty unchartered territory for me, so I really don’t know how this is all going to work, or indeed if anybody is going to bother watching/ listening to me. Due to copyright issues, I’m not able to perform the majority of the songs I’d like to play, I play a lot of Bob Dylan. I’m sure Bob would not bother suing me, but I really don’t want to take the chance. So all the songs I sing are either written by me or are in the public domain.

As per the contract between busker and listener, there is the function to drop money in my hat if you enjoyed the music, just click on the PayPal link to donate.

This is the intro video -  

Ye Jacobites. This is an old, traditional Scottish folk song. This is the Burns version. - 


The House of the Rising Sun. This is an old folk song of uncertain origin, it is mostly thought to be American in origin, but there appears to be some discussion that it might be English in origin with it being set Lowestoft instead of New Orleans. - 


Scots Wha Hae. This is from a Burns poem, and I used it as the title of my first book. - 


Zombies Wha Hae – The Song.  When I was much younger I used to write my own songs. When I stopped playing guitar I thought my song writing days were over. Writing this was fun and I plan to write more songs again. - 

Love in Vain. The old blues classic from the King of the Blues, Robert Johnson. - 

Lil Red Rooster. Another old blues classic. Not sure who did the original to be honest. - 

The Bonny Bonny Banks. This is an old Jacobite song from Scotland. I always feel at home when I go back and visit Loch Lomond. - 

Bombs Rain Down. This is another song I have written, words and music. I'm really rather proud of this one. - 

Drop money in my digital hat here -